Health NZ Hawke’s Bay Consumer Council
The new regional Consumer Councils are now in place as of 1 July 2024. More information about the role of Councils and their members can be found here.
Haere maiHow can we help?
The new regional Consumer Councils are now in place as of 1 July 2024. More information about the role of Councils and their members can be found here.
Our vision is simple - we want everyone in Hawke's Bay district to be healthy. Healthy Hawke's Bay Te Hauora o Te Matau ā Māui
Excellent health services working in partnership to improve the health and wellbeing of our people and to reduce health inequities within our community.
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Chief Executive expenses are required to be disclosed annually to provide transparency and accountability for their discretionary expenditure. Period
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Information for health professionals, guidelines, referral documentation, Nursing and Midwifery resources and Hawke's Bay Clinical Research Committee.
All requests for patient conditions, staff and patient interviews, photographs or filming must be made through the communications team.
After hours media requests can be sent to:hnzmedia@tewhatuora. govt.
Community Pharmacy and Pharmacist Service contractsThe Pharmacy/Pharmacist Service Contract Policy comes into effect on 2 November 2020. It specifies how and under which conditions Hawke’s Bay DHB will purchase new community pharmacy / pharmacist services.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is exploring ways to eliminate alcohol harm in the community and the impact alcohol harm has on emergency services. To find out more about alcohol harm click here.
Te Whatu Ora - Hawke's BayPostgraduate Nursing Education Funding 2024Funding applications for semester two 2024 are now open. Application Steps:
Read the Postgraduate Nursing Education Funding Handbook (see attached)
Complete and submit your application via this link https://www. surveymonkey.
The Hawke's Bay Clinical Research Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Clinical Council provides strategic and operational advice to the Clinical Council on, and maintains an overview of, all health and disability research being undertaken within the public health sector in Hawke’s Bay.