Programme Incubator
What it isProgramme Incubator is a ‘grow your own’ workforce development programme. It introduces health professional role models to students and whānau/family.
Haere maiHow can we help?
What it isProgramme Incubator is a ‘grow your own’ workforce development programme. It introduces health professional role models to students and whānau/family.
Focusing on communitiesThe Hawke's Bay DHB’s Population Health team focus is on the health of Hawke's Bay communities. The team aim to keep people healthy and prevent illness through health promotion, prevention and health protection activities.
A 2 day course suitable for senior trainees in Intensive Care Medicine, Anaesthesia or other acute disciplines; as a refresher for Intensive Care or Respiratory Physicians, Consultant Anaesthetists, and experienced intensive care nurses. VENUE Hawke’s Bay (Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Education Centre, Peter Lloyd Auditorium).
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Basic Assessment and Support in Intensive CareThe BASIC course is designed to teach the practical management of critically ill patients. It consists of lectures, skill stations and interactive tutorials covering many aspects of the care of critically ill patients, with an emphasis on supportive management, particularly mechanical ventilation.