Board Meetings 2019
The dates of the respective meetings are listed below but are subject to change. Meeting papers will be available on this site by noon the Friday prior to meeting dates shown below.
Haere maiHow can we help?
The dates of the respective meetings are listed below but are subject to change. Meeting papers will be available on this site by noon the Friday prior to meeting dates shown below.
This course, an addition to the BEYOND BASIC series, is designed to give the Intensive Care or Anaesthetics trainee a structured approach to management of the upper airway. Commonly reported airway events in ICU include difficult and failed intubation and tracheostomy related problems.
The new regional Consumer Councils are now in place as of 1 July 2024. More information about the role of Councils and their members can be found here.
Nursing Professional Development Recognition Programme (PDRP) - is a contemporary professional development framework which assists nurses to further develop knowledge and skills to provide safe and effective care.
Community Pharmacy and Pharmacist Service contractsThe Pharmacy/Pharmacist Service Contract Policy comes into effect on 2 November 2020. It specifies how and under which conditions Hawke’s Bay DHB will purchase new community pharmacy / pharmacist services.
All requests for patient conditions, staff and patient interviews, photographs or filming must be made through the communications team.
After hours media requests can be sent to:hnzmedia@tewhatuora. govt.
Reliance and use of informationThe information contained on this site (“information”) is not intended to be a replacement for medical advice or advice in relation to the health or care of any person.
THE OLIVER SMALES MEMORIAL TRUST Dr Oliver Smales was a well liked and well respected paediatrician and citizen of Hawke’s Bay who made a significant difference to the lives, health and wellbeing of many babies, children, youth and families during his lifetime.
Basic Assessment and Support in Intensive CareThe BASIC course is designed to teach the practical management of critically ill patients. It consists of lectures, skill stations and interactive tutorials covering many aspects of the care of critically ill patients, with an emphasis on supportive management, particularly mechanical ventilation.
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Chief Executive expenses are required to be disclosed annually to provide transparency and accountability for their discretionary expenditure. Period
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