Emergency department

For critical or life-threatening emergencies go to the emergency department or dial 111.

Hawke's Bay Hospital has a 24-hour emergency department. Get to the ED from the Canning Road entrance.

Emergency departments (internal link)

After hours and urgent medical care

If your health emergency is not life threatening, but you cannot wait for an appointment with your usual doctor or healthcare provider, go to an after hours or urgent medical centre. They can help you with things like bad cuts, sprains or breaks, minor head injuries, or if you are feeling really sick. You do not need an appointment but might have to wait.

Find after hours and urgent care centres on Healthpoint (external link)

Contact information

For general enquiries:

Physical address:

  • 398 Omahu Road
  • Camberley
  • Hastings

Visiting hours

  • General visiting hours: 1pm to 8pm
  • Acute assessment unit: 11am to 8pm
  • Intensive care unit: By arrangement between 12pm and 2pm, and 4pm to 8:30pm

How to get to the hospital

Public transport

goBay offers free public transport to and from the hospital for yourself and a support person. Show the driver your appointment card, letter or text dated for the day of travel. 

goBay Hawke's Bay Regional Transport (external link)

Health shuttle

The Hato Hone St John Health Shuttle is a community service that transports people to and from medical and health-related appointments.

The service is run by volunteers. A donation is greatly appreciated to help cover costs.

Waka Ora Health Shuttles — Hato Hone St John (external link)

National Travel Assistance

The National Travel Assistance Scheme helps people who need to travel long distances or travel frequently for health appointments.

National Travel Assistance (external link)

Parking information

Car, motorcycle and bike parks are available on site. The main patient and visitor carpark can be accessed from the Omahu Road entrance. Limited parks are available outside most department and service buildings.

Paid parking

There is a small fee for parking at the hospital between 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Parking for patients and visitors costs $1 for 3.5 hours.

Weekdays after 4pm, weekends, and public holidays are free.

Payment options

  1. Pay and Display machine.
    Pay at the machine and put the parking slip on your dashboard. Note: the machine will accept coins (no change provided), or debit/credit chipped cards.
  2. ParkMate App.
    Download the universal app, register your vehicle, and pay as you go.

ParkMate guide [PDF, 878 KB]


Exemptions can be provided for certain patient and visitor groups and are considered by the Go Well team in conjunction with departments, service directors, and the Māori Health Service. Exemptions may be given to:

  • mobility permit holders
  • motorcycles parked in designated motorcycle spaces
  • renal patients who drive themselves to dialysis
  • long-term and frequent users of hospital services — ask your provider about parking exemptions on your next visit if you think you may qualify.

Free parking areas

There are free:

  • drop-off zones outside the emergency department
  • drop-off zone for women in labour outside the maternity department
  • time limited parks ranging from 30 to 240 minutes parks for specific treatments, such as blood tests, therapy patients and some outpatient clinics.

Mobility parking

Mobility parks are available close to the entrance of most department and service buildings.



The chapel is to the left of the main entrance of Hawke's Bay Hospital. It is open every day from 8am until 5pm.


The Chaplaincy team includes:

  • 3 Ecumenical Ordained Chaplains, 2 are fully accredited Chaplains
  • 1 Catholic Chaplain
  • a number of trained volunteer chaplaincy assistants who work under the supervision of the Chaplains.

The Chaplains' offices can be accessed through the chapel, or from the courtyard outside Zacs Café.

The role of the Chaplains


  • belong to the health team providing the spiritual support aspect of holistic care for all
  • are available to provide pastoral and spiritual care for patients, relatives and staff
  • are available to those of all faiths, or of none
  • respect the worth and dignity of each individual.

The chaplaincy team facilitates the annual Hospital:

  • ANZAC service
  • Remembrance Service
  • Christmas Day Service
  • carol singing around the wards.

They also offer reflective services following the death of a work colleague.

A Chaplain can provide:

  • time to listen
  • help in looking at life issues
  • prayer and church sacraments
  • a presence
  • a support and encouragement
  • support for patients, whānau and staff in a crisis situation, including sudden deaths or accidents.

Zacs Café is open:

  • Monday to Friday 7am to 7pm
  • Saturday and Sunday 7:45am to 2:30pm, and 3pm to 7pm.

Zacs Café provides barista coffee, cold drinks and delicious snacks and meals throughout the day.

  • Breakfast 7am to 9am
  • Lunch 11am to 1pm
  • Dinner 5pm to 6:45pm

An ATM is located at the main entrance to the hospital.

Justice of the Peace (JPs) are are available to help you with:

  • witnessing signatures
  • certifying documents
  • the witnessing of land transfers and other documents
  • the taking of declarations, affidavits or affirmations.

If you need the help of a JP, ask a staff member.

Free WiFi is available for patients and visitors. To join the network:

  1. Go to your device's WiFi options.
  2. Make sure your WiFi is turned on.
  3. Select the network '. . . . . . . . '.
  4. Redirected to a landing page?
  5. Need to accept terms and conditions?

Mihiroa Whare

Our Māori Health Service offers accommodation at Mihiroa Whare for patients and whānau.

How long you can stay at Mihiroa Whare for is at the discretion of the facilities manager.

  • $10 per night - those aged 18 and over.
  • Free - those aged 0 to 17.
  • A $20 bond is required for the key and ID card. This will be refunded when both are returned.

Room rates are reasonable and you may qualify for assistance through the transport coordinator at the hospital.

  • Cooking facilities, including a microwave, fridge, kitchen utensils.
  • Shower.
  • Toilet.
  • TV room.
  • Towels.
  • Coin-operated washing machine and dryer.
  • All linen provided.
  • Security escort to the hospital at night if required.

The facility is wheelchair accessible and ongoing support is offered through the hospital liaison service.

What you need to bring
  • Clothing.
  • Personal items such as toothbrush and toiletries.
  • Your own food. Zacs Cafe is available at the hospital for hot meals and snacks. Several cafés, fast food outlets and restaurants within a short distance of the hospital.
How to book accommodation at Mihiroa Whare

To make arrangements or for further information:

  • speak to a nurse in the ward
  • the duty manager
  • the Māori Health Service to make arrangements or for further information.

Off-site accommodation

A number of motels are within easy walking distance of Hawke's Bay Hospital.

Patient and visitor information

One parent, guardian, or person acting as a kaitiaki (partner in care) can support a patient while they receive care at the ED. Priority is given to parents and guardians and those acting in a kaitiaki capacity.

To protect patients, whānau and staff, a support person may need to wait outside of the ED waiting room when it is busy. Exceptions for compassionate care and other special circumstances will be considered and must be approved by the clinical nurse coordinator.

Most inpatient wards may have more than 1 visitor.

At times visiting restrictions may apply. Restrictions will be posted at entrances to our hospitals and wards. If you need to contact a ward, call 06 878 8109 and ask to speak with the Charge nurse on the ward.

Mask wearing remains an important way we can prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses in health and disability care settings.

It is still recommended that you wear a face mask when visiting healthcare services. Please respect the healthcare facility or hospital's policy on masks when visiting. You may be asked to wear a mask in particular situations or locations to help protect those at higher risk.

The hospital and grounds are all smoke and vape free areas. If you are a patient we can help with nicotine replacement therapy.

Feedback on healthcare in Hawke's Bay

How was the care you or your whānau received? We welcome feedback, compliments or complaints to help us get things right.

Freepost feedback form [PDF, 1 MB]

If you have a problem you want sorted straight away, talk with the staff caring for you or ask to speak with a manager in that area.