Ngā rōpū aromatawai tairaru Mental health crisis assessment teams

Find phone numbers for mental health crisis services in your region. These are for emergencies only.

Mental health crisis phone numbers

Acute Response Team

  • Nelson region from Rai Valley to Korere to Riwaka: 0800 776 364
  • Marlborough, as far as the Clarence River and up to the Lakes and down the Sounds, and as far as Rai Valley: 0800 948 497
  • Golden Bay area, from the top of Takaka Hill to Turimawiwi on the west coast of Golden Bay: 0800 776 364

Northland crisis assessment teams

Region Phone number Contact hours
Whangarei 09 430 4101 extension 3537

Monday to Friday

8am to 4:30pm

Kaipara 09 439 3330 extension 65401

Monday to Friday

8am to 4:30pm

Mid North 0800 643 647

Monday to Friday

8am to 4:30pm

  0800 223 371 Weekends and after hours

Auckland crisis assessment teams

Phone number Contact hours
0800 800 717 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Waikato crisis assessment teams

Phone number Contact hours
0800 505 050  24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Bay of Plenty crisis assessment teams

Region Phone number
Tauranga 0800 800 508
Whakatane 0800 774 545

Gisborne crisis assessment team

Phone number Contact hours
0800 243 500  
06 869 0512 After 10pm