Primary healthcare services in South Canterbury

Your general practice team, also known as your primary healthcare team, is your first point of contact for health advice or care, unless it is an emergency when you should call 111.

General practice

There are 40 or more general practitioners and nurse practitioners working alongside 70 practice nurses at 21 sites across South Canterbury.

General practices in South Canterbury — Healthpoint (external link)

General practice services

For the best possible care, it is important that you and your whānau are enrolled with a general practice.

General practices (internal link)

Who can enrol with a general practice

You can enrol with a general practice if you are eligible for publicly funded health services.

Guide to eligibility for public health services — Health New Zealand (external link)

When you enrol, you may be asked to show proof of eligibility, such as your passport or birth certificate. You will be asked to sign an enrolment form.

A general practice may not enrol more patients if they cannot safely take on more patients. To enrol with a general practice in South Canterbury:

Enrol for free or subsidised health services [PDF, 156 KB]

Medical records and fees

Your medical record is kept with the general practice you are enrolled with, but any healthcare provider involved in your care can look at your record. You can ask to look at your record at any time.

General practices and medical centres are privately owned and set their own fees. The cost of a visit is lower if you are enrolled with that practice because the government subsidises the fee.

All children under 14 years are eligible for free general practice visits during the day and after hours.

Zero fees for tamariki under 14 (internal link)

All South Canterbury general practices offer lower cost fees for Community Services Card (CSC) holders. Fees are listed with general practice details in Healthpoint.

General practices (internal link)

General practices in South Canterbury — Healthpoint (external link)

Community Services Card (internal link)

Choose which general practice to enrol with

When you are choosing a general practitioner there are things to consider. Most importantly, choose one you trust and are comfortable with.

Choose your general practice (internal link)

To find out more about changing general practice in South Canterbury or which practices are taking on new patients, phone 03 687 2307.

Alternative primary care options

You can use online doctor services while you are waiting to enrol with a local general practice.

Online and over-the-phone GP appointments (internal link)

After hours services

If you cannot wait to see your usual doctor, nurse or healthcare provider, or you do not have one, go to an after hours or urgent care medical centre.

After hours general practice and medical care services in South Canterbury (internal link)


Call Healthline for free: 0800 611 116

If you or someone you care for is unwell, you can call Healthline for free, expert health advice from nurses and paramedics.

Healthline is available any time of the day or night, every day of the week. 

The team are happy to help you with even the smallest concern, there’s no need to wait until things get very bad before you call.

Call Healthline:

  • if you are worried or unsure about your health or someone else's health 
  • for advice about your situation and help on what to do next
  • if you do not have a GP or cannot get to one 
  • if you need advice about your medicine.

Call Healthline: 0800 611 116 (external link)