Health effects from heat

Extreme heat can cause illness and death. But effective planning and actions can reduce its effects on health.

Keeping cool in heat

Drink plenty of water

Stay hydrated with a regular intake of fluid. Try adding a slice of lemon, lime or mint to a jug of water in the fridge.

Cut down on alcohol

Water is the best form of fluid, alcohol can dehydrate you more in hot weather.

Eat frozen snacks

Try eating frozen banana or other fruit as a cool snack.

Stay out of the sun

Find shade outside wherever possible and stay indoors when you can.

Keep cool while exercising

Exercise or do outdoor activities early in the morning or later in the evening if possible.

Look out for your neighbours

Keep a close eye on neighbours, especially the elderly, to check they’re okay. Remember, children, older people or those with health concerns may find it more difficult to cope with the heat.

Never leave children unattended in parked cars

This is especially important on hot days.

Keep your house cool

Open windows and create a cross breeze or turn on the air conditioning.

Practice being sunsmart

If you have to be outside, remember to Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap.

  • Slip on a top with long sleeves and a collar.
  • Slip into the shade.
  • Slop on sunscreen that is at least SPF30, broad spectrum and water resistant, and apply 20 minutes before going outside and reapply every 2 hours.
  • Slap on a wide brimmed hat.
  • Wrap on close-fitting sunglasses.

Keep your children cool

As the new school year begins, it’s important to keep your children safe – equip them with a water bottle, appropriate clothing, sunblock and a hat. Perhaps even add a chiller pad to their lunch to keep it cooler for longer.

Look after your pets

Keep them safe, hydrated and cool.

If you have any concerns, call Healthline on 0800 611 116


  • Keep up to date with weather forecasts.
  • Prepare your house — pull your curtains or cover your windows to keep your house cool and have windows open to catch the breeze.
  • If you have air conditioning, be sure that it is in working order.
  • If you do not have air conditioning or if there is a power outage, identify locations where you can stay cool — for example, a library or mall. 
  • Bring pets indoors — they are affected by the heat too
  • Do not to leave anyone, particularly children or older people alone in parked cars.
  • Make sure you have a supply of food and water, medications, pet food, baby supplies to last a few days.
  • Make sure all your animals and livestock have access to shade, preferably natural shade, and a reliable and safe water supply.

  • Stay in an air-conditioned indoor location as much as you can.
  • Keep your home cool by opening windows to catch the breeze and keeping curtains or blinds closed to keep the sun out.
  • Avoid outdoor activities if you can.
  • If you have to go outside, try to go out in the early morning or evening when the heat intensity is lowest, pace yourself and be sunsmart — wear loose, lightweight, light-coloured clothing and sunscreen.
    Sun safety (internal link)
  • Check on your support team and friends and whānau, particularly those that are more vulnerable such as elderly or those living alone.
  • Drink water. Keep you and your pets hydrated. Drink more fluids, regardless of how active you are and do not wait until you are thirsty to drink.
    Dehydration (internal link)
  • Stay informed during an emergency. Listen to the radio or follow your Civil Defence Emergency Management Group online. Follow the instructions of your local council and civil defence and emergency services.
  • Seek medical help if feeling weak or dizzy or if having intense thirst or a headache — Contact Healthline for advice on 0800 611 116

  • Check for illness or signs of heat sickness and seek help if you or your whānau are unwell.
  • Check on your support team and friends and whānau, particularly those that are more vulnerable such as elderly or those living alone.
  • Drink water after the hot weather has passed. Keep you and your pets hydrated. Drink more fluids, regardless of how active you are and do not wait until you are thirsty to drink.
  • Stay alert for extended hot periods and persisting elevated temperatures.

How our bodies react to heat

Even in New Zealand's mild climate, people can still suffer from health problems when the temperatures rise.

New Zealand does not have an official definition for heatwaves, but climate change is expected to increase both average and maximum temperatures, and the number of hot days in New Zealand is likely to go up.

Everyone can be affected by extreme heat, but babies, young children, older people, those with existing health conditions or on certain medications, and people living alone are more at risk.

Many health problems caused by excessive heat can be prevented. Normally, the body cools itself by sweating, but when it is very hot and humid, sweating does not work as well. This makes the body work harder to stay cool, which can lead to illness and even death.

Dehydration (internal link)

Heat health plans

Guidelines are available for health, community and local government organisations to help them prepare their own heat health response plans.

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora — Heat Health Plans: guidelines and key information (external link)