Whakarauora pona pakoki Dislocated joints first aid
Dislocated joints happen when a bone comes out of its normal joint. The most common joints to dislocate are shoulders, fingers and kneecaps. Dislocations commonly happen during sporting activities or are caused by a fall.
How to tell if someone has dislocated a joint
If someone has a dislocated joint:
- they may feel pain
- the area may be swollen and red
- they will not be able to move the joint.
They may also feel tingling or numbness around the joint or further up or down the limb.
Helping someone who has dislocated a joint
What to do depends on the joint that is dislocated, but generally:
- tell them to stay still or rest the affected joint or limb — do not move them if they have a suspected head, neck or back injury
- reduce movement of the joint by supporting it in a comfortable position
- apply ice to the joint to reduce any swelling — do not apply the ice directly to their skin, instead, wrap it in a damp cloth.
Getting medical help
A person's joint may dislocate a lot and they may be used to putting it back into position themselves. Sometimes a dislocated joint will go back into place naturally. Even so, it is best to see a doctor. You may need an x-ray or treatment to help your ligaments and tendons heal.
If the joint does not go back into place and:
- it is a small joint like a finger, go to your healthcare provider — they may refer you to see a doctor where there is an x-ray machine
- it is a large joint like a shoulder, go to the nearest hospital emergency department — get someone to drive you there or call 111 for an ambulance.
If the dislocation causes any pins and needles or numbness, it is important to see a doctor straight away to prevent permanent nerve damage.
When you have had a dislocation
Your dislocation injury will be treated by the healthcare team at an emergency department or after hours clinic or by your healthcare provider.
It is important you know what has happened, what to expect and how to take care of yourself until the injury is well healed.
Information about bone and joint injuries in tamariki is at KidsHealth.
Fractures in children — KidsHealth (external link)
What happened
- You have dislocated your elbow. This means your elbow joint has temporarily come out of place.
- This injury usually does not require surgery.
- Your elbow has been put back into place by the emergency department team and put into an arm brace at a right angle. You will also be given a sling for comfort.
What to expect
- You may have pain and swelling in your elbow and down your arm — this is normal.
- Your arm will be held still (immobilised) in the brace for 5 to 10 days.
- After this, you will be in a different arm brace for about 3 to 4 weeks — this brace allows you to move your elbow joint.
What you can do
- Take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
- Keep your fingers moving as often as you can.
- You may find it more comfortable while sitting or sleeping to prop your arm up on 1 or 2 pillows.
What you should not do
- Avoid heavy lifting while you are injured.
- You may be unable to drive at this time.
You will need a follow up
- A follow up appointment in the orthopaedic clinic will be requested when you leave the emergency department — we will contact you about the date and time.
- At this appointment you may be shown how to start simple exercises.
If you have concerns or questions
- If your injury is not settling or you have other concerns, contact your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.
- Seek medical attention if you have:
- numbness or tingling in the injured arm or hand
- increasing pain in your arm or hand.
Each finger has 3 joints. Any one of these can become dislocated.
What happened
- You dislocated one of your finger joints. This is quite a common injury where the bone temporarily moves out of place.
- Your finger has been put back into place at the emergency department, after hours clinic or by your healthcare provider — it has been put in a specialist splint or a 'buddy strap', depending on the type of injury.
- It usually needs no further treatment after the bone has been put back in place.
What to expect
- Your finger will be painful and swollen, and you may get bruising on your finger and hand — this is normal.
- Your finger needs to be strapped or in a splint for a few weeks — exactly how long depends on the type of injury.
What you can do
- Take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
- Leave your finger splint on at all times — take it off for washing only.
What you should not do
- Avoid heavy lifting with your injured hand.
You will need a follow up
- You will not necessarily be seen again by the emergency department or orthopaedic staff.
- If you need a follow up appointment in the orthopaedic clinic, this will be requested when you leave the emergency department — we will contact you about the date and time.
- Or you may get a follow up appointment to see a hand physiotherapist — you will be contacted about the date and time.
If you have concerns or questions
- If your injury is not settling or you have other concerns, call your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.
What happened
- You dislocated your knee cap — this is quite a common injury.
- Your knee cap has been put back into place and you may have been fitted with a splint for your knee.
What to expect
- Your knee may be swollen and painful.
- You can come out of the splint after 2 weeks if you are comfortable enough.
- You do not need to see a doctor before doing this.
What you can do
- You can take the splint off in the first 2 weeks for showering.
- You may find it more comfortable to rest your leg and keep it elevated.
- Take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
- You can walk on your leg as soon as you feel comfortable — putting weight on it helps it to heal.
- Riding a bike is fine as long as it comfortable for your knee.
- You can make an appointment with a physiotherapist to help you rehabilitate your knee.
What you should not do
- Avoid activities that will make the injury worse such as contact sports.
You may not need a follow up
- You most likely do not need to see the hospital clinic or department again for this injury, especially if it is your first dislocation of that knee.
If you have concerns or questions
- If your injury is not settling or you have other concerns, call your healthcare provider or physiotherapist first — take your ACC form or number with you.
What happened
- You have dislocated your shoulder. This means your upper arm bone has moved out of its joint.
- Shoulder joints are generally very mobile, so this is a common injury (especially in young people).
- Your shoulder has been put back into place at the emergency department, after hours clinic or by your healthcare provider.
What to expect
- You will probably need to wear a sling for 1 to 3 weeks.
- During this time, you may need simple pain relief such as paracetamol and ibuprofen.
- Recurrent dislocation is the most common complication — this is more likely if you are under 30 years.
- You will likely be able to return to sport after 12 to 16 weeks.
What you can do
- It is important to get your shoulder moving after it has been held still (immobilised) in a sling. Start by leaning forward with your arm hanging down and moving it in small circles.
- You may wish to see a physiotherapist to help with rehabilitation — take your ACC form or number with you.
What you should not do
- Avoid putting your shoulder into any extreme positions for several weeks after your injury — this is important.
You will need a follow up
- A follow up appointment in the orthopaedic clinic will be requested when you leave the emergency department — we will contact you about the date and time.
If you have concerns or questions
- If you have problems with your shoulder rehabilitation, see your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.
- If your shoulder does not settle or you have another dislocation, your healthcare provider or physiotherapist may refer you to an orthopaedic (bone and joint) specialist who will decide if you need surgery.
Accident cover
The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) is a government agency that helps pay for treatment if you are injured in an accident.
The ACC provides comprehensive, no-fault personal injury cover for all residents and visitors to Aotearoa New Zealand. This means if you are hurt in an accident, ACC can help no matter who caused the accident.
If you have an accident and need emergency care in a hospital, it will be covered by ACC.
ACC usually pays some of the other medical costs if you have an accident, like surgery, physiotherapy and medicines. ACC may also be able to cover some loss of earnings resulting from an accident.
I'm injured — The Accident Compensation Corporation (external link)